Sunday, February 28, 2016

Deuteronomy 28

After reading chapter 28:

*First we have a reiteration of the necessity for obedience, then a list of blessings and cursings. If the Israelites obey Yahweh, they will recieve blessings in the form of abundant wealth, food, children, and defeat of enemies. They will become the top dogs in the land and the benefactors of other nations.

*If they do not obey, they will be cursed in every way, including lack of wealth, food, and children. They will contract many different  diseases and health problems. There will be drought and famine. The Israelite's enemies will defeat them. They will go mad, be unsuccessful in every endeavor, and end up oppressed and robbed. Their brides to be will be violated before they can marry them. They will labor and build in vain. They will be ridiculed and become the lowest of the low.

*The cursings go on for some length and are very poetically detailed. At one point there is a quite gory description of the Israelite's descent into the depths of cannabalism. Not only cannabalism, but selfishly refusing to share the flesh of their children. How sorry can you get.

*Then, after all these horrendous cursings, the Israelites will be scattered among the nations and worship other gods. They will have sunk so low that they will be sent back to Egypt on ships and no one will even want to buy them as slaves. That's low.

*There you have it, the carrot and the stick, heaven and hell on earth, not in any invisible realms.

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