Thursday, September 21, 2017

Introduction to Ephesians

I've decided to look at the book of the bible called the Epistle to the Ephesians. It is just after Galatians, which we looked at earlier. I happen to be attending a bible class on Ephesians right now, so it will help me keep on track. I still go to a church with my family, to keep my husband from feeling like it is the end of the world.

Read about the book of Ephesians here. Remember that I usually read the NIV study bible and I try to use a plain reading and do not try to interpret  meaning that isn't there into the writings. At times I do go a little deeper when we are comparing what the bible says to the reality of history and science.

It is traditionally thought that Paul wrote this letter while in prison in Rome, because he calls himself a prisoner for the Lord in Eph. 3:1 and 4:1. He says he is an ambassador in chains in  6:20. However, it should be noted that those passages could also be metaphorical. It is hard to tell.

There is a dispute over whether Paul actually wrote this letter. Many older versions do not include Ephesus in the greeting of 1:1. This leads some scholars to think it was a chain letter, not actually meant for just the Ephesians. There is no mention of Ephesus in the main body of the letter and no personal greetings to people who live in that city, as contained in other letters of Paul. There are also no particular personal issues addressed. If it was not written by Paul, it was probably composed between 80 and 100 CE.

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