Thursday, July 26, 2018

Colossians part 3

We are at verse 20 in the first chapter. There it says that through Jesus god reconciled to himself all things "by making peace through his (Jesus's) blood shed on the cross." So god had a falling out with his creation and he patched it up by having Jesus bleed on the cross? Does this make sense to you?

Paul goes on to say that the Colossians used to be alienated from god because of their evil behavior. Basically, god was shunning them. That's all over now because the death of christ's physical body has made them holy - IF they keep the faith in the hope of the gospel. The gospel they heard has been preached to every creature under heaven. That's an outright lie. If everyone had heard the gospel, then Paul's work was done. There was no need for him or anyone else to travel anywhere else to spread the gospel. Paul died in the 60's CE. Did the gospel get to North America, South America, Australia, the Pacific Islands, and more, before he died? Not a chance. There is more than a chance that Paul didn't even know those places existed.

In verse 24, Paul says he rejoices in what was suffered for them. He's glad that Jesus bled on a cross so they could be reconciled to god. This is weird stuff. It gets weirder. He says he fills up in his flesh "what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions." So it wasn't enough for Jesus to suffer? It sounds like Paul might be practising self mortification of some kind.

Paul goes on to say he has become the servant of Jesus's body, the church, by the commission god gave him. God gave him this commission in visions and revelations that no one else heard or saw. Everyone had to take his word for it. Christianity requires you and I to take his word for it. Why should we?

Next he talks of "the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints," by Paul. So, god kept all this  secret for thousands of years. Nobody knew, not even the Jews. "God has chosen to make known among the gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery which is christ in you." That's the mystery out of the bag--christ is in them. The job of Paul and his cohorts is to work hard at teaching and admonishing, so they can present everyone perfect in christ. Poor Paul. He must have been very frustrated trying to do that, people being what they are.

In chapter two, Paul tells the Colossians he wants them to know how hard he struggles for them and the Laodiceans, and for all he has not met. Struggle? Doing what? He wants them to have complete understanding of the mystery of god, in other words, christ. That's kind of impossible because this mystery was born in Paul's brain. Paul says all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in hidden christ. What are they how will they find them? By listening to Paul. In verse 4, Paul warns them about others who may have "fine sounding arguments." They are decievers. Not Paul. Paul is so happy to hear that the Colossians are good boys and girls, orderly and firm in their faith. Even though he is not there in the flesh, he is there in spirit.

I used to like Paul. Not so much anymore.

More to come.

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