Friday, February 15, 2019

This and that.

If you've been coming here for a while, you know that I am an ex church of christ, in-the-closet atheist, who still attends because of family concerns. I've discussed the decline in churches of christ before. Yesterday, I came across an article about the decline that I found interesting, here. The author attributes the rapid downfall to the church's doctrine on women's roles in the church. However, I think it is more complex than that and it includes all the issues that are currently part of the political divide in the US.

You've probably noticed my blog is fairly anonymous at the moment. This is to maintain equilibrium in many of my relationships which would be spoiled by my atheism becoming public. I care for quite a few people who do not understand how one could become an atheist. Because of that I also have a reduced level of communication between myself and my readers. I have no ads because I would have to shed some anonymity and I don't need the money, yet. I know it makes me less visible on search engines, but I'm okay with that for now.

Comments are open, subject to moderation. I have not actually published any yet though, and don't receive comments very often. A good 75% of all comments I have received are obviously spam. Some that are not obvious are suspect. The few that seem genuine have merely been of the kind that that say, "I have subscribed" or "I like your content." None have specifically addressed the content at all. All have been anonymous, which is fine.

I get fairly steady light traffic here, about 7-10 views a day, from all over the world, most from the US. You, dear reader, can help increase my circulation by just sharing this site with anyone you think might be interested, privately or on social media. No obligation.

This blog probably benefits me more than anyone else. It was started to help me deconstruct the bible and my former indoctrination into christianity. I was already in the habit of regular bible study, but since my point of view has shifted dramatically, I find my studies far more interesting. I am so flattered to think that a few others may be interested in my thoughts on bible subjects.

As always, I gravitate toward a "plain reading" of the text, because the church tradition I was a part of  taught that the bible did not need interpreting by any kind of intermediary. Each member should be able to "rightly divide the word of truth" for himself. (Emphasis on him.) Females were  generally subject to the interpretation given by males in authority. I realize there are other ways to deal with the text, but I'm not interested in them. I actually agree with the notion that each person should be able to discover the truth of the scriptures for herself or himself, especially if the bible is truly the words of a deity who wishes all to be saved.

Till next time.

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