Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Chapter 6 part 2

* Now we learn about the clans of the Israelites and are introduced to some characters that will appear later. The text states that the Israelites kept records of the clans. One wonders in what language those records were kept, if they were actually kept. After 400 years in Egypt, the Israelites would have assimilated much of the Egyptian language and culture, even if they had their own dialect. Assimilation and blending of cultures doesn't take that long. Sometimes it occurs in as little as one or two generations. On what medium did the Israelites keep their records? How did the Israelites store and maintain 400 years worth of geneologies? Think about how long 400 years is in terms of your own life and past history.

* Moses, presumably educated separately by the Egyptians,  would have spoken and written, if he actually existed and could write, in the language of the Egyptians at that time, not Hebrew.  Even the Israelites would not have been likely to speak or write Hebrew at that time. In the bible story so far, everyone seems to be able to communicate with no problem as they travel from place to place, almost like they have Star Trek universal translators. In reality, every tribe or nation would have had its own Language or dialect. Many would not have been able to communicate in writing. Just as in other times, communication methods would have included gestures, pictures drawn in the sand or other medium, and translators familiar with multiple languages. The biggest question of all is "What language did God speak?"

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