Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Leviticus chapter 2

After reading chapter 2:

*This chapter is about making a grain offering, which is kind of a strange thing for a nomadic desert tribe of over a million people to have to offer. Where did the grain come from? If they had grain, wouldn't it be a precious life sustaining commodity? If they had grain, why would they need manna?

*The grain offering is supposed to be a fine flour. Verse one says the person making the offering is to mix the flour with oil and incense and take it to the priest. Verse two says the priest will take a handful of the offering flour, mix it with the oil and incense and burn it on the altar. The rest will be kept by the priests. Verses one and two contradict each other. I find it interesting that the flour that the priests get to keep is considered the most holy part of the offering

*Guess what. You can make your grain offering from  unleavened bread or wafers, but it must be made of fine flour and oil. The priest will take out a "memorial portion" and burn it. The rest he gets to keep for the priesthood. That makes it sooo holy.

*God doesn't like his bread made with yeast or honey, but salt is okay. In fact, they must add the salt of the covenant to all their offerings. The salt of the covenant is also mentioned in Numbers 18:19, but it is unclear what is meant by that from the text.

*A first fruits grain offering is to be crushed heads of new grain with oil and incense. Again, how do you get new grain, if you are not farming the land?

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