Saturday, January 2, 2016

Deuteronomy chapter 1 And 2

After reading chapter 1 and 2:

*There is a short introduction telling us it is the fortieth year and the first day of the eleventh month since the Israelites left Egypt. They are east of the Jordan, in the territory of Moab and Moses is going to speak. 1:6-4:40 is Moses's speech.

* In chapter 1, Moses tells the Israelites about God's promise of land, the choosing of the leaders of the twelve tribes, the sending out of the twelve spies, the people's unwillingness and fear to take over the promised land because of the size of the people, God's 40 year punishment of wandering in the wilderness, the attempt and failure to fight without God, and the beating by the Amorites.These stories are all repeats, mostly from the book of Numbers. However, in Numbers, they were beaten by Amalekites and Canaanites, not Amorites.

*In chapter 2, we have wording that does not occur in Numbers. Here we are told that the Israelites circumnavigated the hill country of Seir because that is where the descendants of Esau lived. They were told to respect them as brothers and pay them for any food and water they consumed. In Numbers, these people are called Edomites (chapter 20) and they deny the Israelites passage through their land after being asked. Plus, in Deuteronomy, God tells the Israelites not to provoke the descendants of Esau because he was not going to give the Israelites any of that land.

*Next, we are again skipped over the succeeding 38 years to the time when all the original fighting men of Israel had died. The Israelites were told not to harass the Moabites or Ammonites because their land was for Lot's descendants. We are given stories about what tribes were displaced so that the Moabites, Ammonites, and descendants of Esau could have the land they occupied.

*Next we are told of the battle with King Sihon of Heshbon. The Israelites ask to pass through his land and say that the Moabites and descendants of Esau were okay with that (verse29) but Numbers tells a different  story. King Sihon refuses to let them pass. The Israelites completely destroy Sihon's land and people, with god's help. However, they didn't touch the land of the Ammonites, by god's command. In Numbers, it was because the Ammonite border was fortified. (21:24)

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