Saturday, June 4, 2016

Joshua chapter 15

After reading chapter 15:

*Later, at the time of the wheat harvest, Samson decided to go visit his wife again. Her father would not let him see her. He told Samson that he had given Samson's wife to his friend because he thought Samson hated her. This time Samson was really mad (As opposed to the time he killed 30 men for their clothes.)and decided to get even. He caught 300 foxes (All by himself? I wonder how long that took?)  tied them together in pairs by their tails, tied a torch to every pair of tails, and let the foxes loose on the Philistines grain fields. All their fields, trees, and vinyards were burned. Upon investigating, the Philistines discovered Samson did it because his wife had been given away. So, they burnt up the wife and her father. That made Samson even madder. He took revenge by slaughtering many of them. Then he went and stayed (hid)in a cave.

*The Philistines went to the land of Judah to try to find, capture, and kill Samson. Three thousand men of Judah went to the cave (How did they know where to find him?) and chastised Samson for being rude to their Philistine rulers. He said he had only done what they did to him. Yeah but who started the whole mess? The men of Judah intended to take him back and hand him over. Samson made them swear not to kill him themselves. They tied him up with two new ropes and led him away. When the Philistines saw him coming, they shouted. That amazing Spirit of the Lord came upon him again and gave him the strength to break the ropes. After that, he picked up the jawbone of a donkey and killed a thousand men. Then he made a cute little poem about how he had made donkeys of them all.

*After all that hard work, Samson was very thirsty and cried out to Yahweh who caused a spring of water to come out of the ground. Samson drank and was revived. He then led the Israelites for twenty years. Apparently Yahweh was okay with All these events.

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