Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Galatians 6 part 2

*In verse 11 Paul says, "See what large letters I use as I write with my own hand!" This phrase is a non sequiter, stuck in the passage, perhaps to try to prove Paul is the actual author. Other writings ascribed to Paul indicate he had some kind of infirmity or disability. Speculation is that his eyesight was poor.

*Paul returns to the topic of circumcision and continues to discount its proponents. He says they are just circumcised to avoid persecution for identifying with the cross of christ. They don't actually obey the law themselves. The circumcision is a bragging point. Who would brag about being circumcised and why? Well, male Jewish identity was tied to that physical mark. God had given the covenant of circumcision to Abraham as an everlasting covenant. (Gen. 17:13) The descendants of Abraham were God's chosen people. How could they discern who was part of the in crowd otherwise? It seems kind of strange to think that first century males went around looking to see if their acquantances were circumcised. Who would persecute a man for not being circumcised but proclaiming himself a child of Yahweh? Certainly not a gentile.

*I notice that this letter is not directed to women at all. Women in Judaism had no commanded distinguishing feature to proclaim them as children of Yahweh. Women had no everlasting covenant of any kind. They were just fertile ground in which to plant the male seed. Circumcision was none of their business, thank goodness.

* Paul goes on to say that there aren't really any bragging rights inherent in circumcision. (Even though, as a jew, he is circumcised.) Circumcision doesn't mean anything, according to Paul. His bragging rights are in the cross of Jesus, through which the world has been crucified to Paul, and Paul to the world. (It's all about Paul.) So, because some poor guy got himself crucified, Paul has a right to brag. Paul brags because he believes the guy was crucified on behalf of Paul and Paul was "crucified" to the world, even though Paul never met the guy. He learned all about Jesus from visions, not real world experience. He believed his visions, so everyone else must too. I find it reasonable to wonder if the crucifixion only took place in Paul's head. His writings are the probably the earliest writings of Christianity, the gospels being written later. Is the whole thing a creation of Paul's imagination, through some kind of mental illness or brain anomaly?

*The thing that counts, says Paul, is a new creation. (What is a new creation?) Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule....even to the Israel of God. Okay, even Israelites are right, if they agree with Paul.

*Finally Paul tells them that nobody better mess with him, he bears the marks of Jesus on his body. This is interesting. Is he speaking physically or metaphorically? There are various speculations. My study Bible talks of scars and injuries from stonings and other persecutions. I've also heard it said that Paul bore the stigmata of Jesus's crucifixion. There is no way to know for sure. Like many passages in scripture, this statement is rather cryptic.

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