Saturday, April 29, 2017

Galatians chapter 6 part 1

*Now that the Galatians know what the acts of the sinful nature are, Paul tells them "if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently." This brings many questions to my mind. Are there spiritual and non spiritual christians? Can a christian lose their spirituality? Is a christian who has lost their spirituality still a christian? How do you get spirituality back, if you have lost it? What if the person can't be restored gently? How do they "carry each others burdens?"

*Next Paul issues warnings to the Galatians to be on guard, lest they are also tempted. They musn't think themselves immune from the sinful nature, just because they are spiritual. Constant vigilance of ones own actions is necessary. "Each one should carry his own load."

*That's quite a load these christians had to carry around, each other's burdens plus their own load. How wearisome and paralyzing that must have been. Surely Paul meant that and wasn't contradicting himself in the same paragraph. Why do I envision a group of people continuously watching each other to see who will slip up first, all the while taking care not to do anything that might draw attention to themselves.

*Next Paul says "anyone who recieves instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor." Let's see, who has just shared instruction in the word? Why you have, Paul. Could it be that you are hinting for a handout?

*Paul goes on to imply that God's no fool, noone can take advantage of hm, people get what they deserve. They "reap what they sow." If someone sows to please the sinful nature, he will reap destruction. If someone sows to please the spirit (like Paul), he will reap eternal life. They shouldn't get tired of doing the right thing (bearing all those burdens), because eventually they will reap eternal life. (After they are dead)

Therefore (it naturally follows), as we have opportunity (like right now), we should do good to all people ( Even the Judiaizing teachers?), especially those who belong to the family of believers (like Paul.) After all, everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others.

Eternal life is a curious concept. I wonder if those who desire it actually think about what they are getting. What will there be to do for never ending time? Certainly not any acts of the sinful nature. What will be the use of self control in eternity, if there is nothing to control oneself from doing? Will there be a need for love, kindness, or goodness if no one needs anything? What is the benefit, where is the pleasure, in pure existence?

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