Thursday, April 20, 2017

Galatians chapter 5 part 1

Back to Galatians:

*Paul tells the Galatians that it is for freedom that christ has set them free (from what?), they are not to let themselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery. Wait. The Galatians are gentiles. They weren't under the yoke of slavery to the law to begin with. I do think Paul has a point when he says they should not try to be justified by the law. But, he says it would alienate them from christ and make them "fall from grace," which is nonsense.

*Again, Paul goes back to stressing that faith is the important thing. Apparently the Jews who were trying to teach these Galatians were advocating circumcision which Paul is adamantly against, because it is part of the slavery of the law. He says circumcision has no value one way or another, if you are in Christ. "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Nice sentiment, but the faith part is not even necessary. People can be loving without it.

*Paul goes on to tell the Galatians they were doing so well until someone (judaizers) kept them from obeying the truth (Paul's version). He says that kind of persuasion doesn't come from "the one who calls you"--presumably christ. How would they have known they were called if Paul didn't give them his version of salvation? He goes on to say that the one who is throwing them into confusion will pay the penalty. But he doesn't say what that penalty is. He also implies that he is being persecuted (by the Jews?) because he doesn't teach circumcision. If he did, noone would be offended at the preaching of the cross. Then, in a fit of pique, Paul wishes those agitators that are promoting circumcision would "go the whole way and emasculate themselves!"

*Paul tells the Galatians they were called to be free (again, from what?). They should use their freedom to serve one another in love, because the entire law can be summed up in one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."  Really? Paul, have you read the entire law? Where is all the love?
If the Law means that, then why are you against following it? Why does it need to be dismissed? Why have you compared it to slavery? Why does anyone need to be freed from it?

To be continued.

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