Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Ephesians chapter 4, part 2

*Starting at verse 17: Now, the author, who is writing this letter to gentiles, tells these gentiles not to act like gentiles. Gentiles, he says, are futile in their thinking, darkened in their understanding, sparated from god, ignorant in understanding, and hard hearted. They have given themselves over to sensuality with a continual lust for more. (I wonder if any were offended by this letter.)

*These particular gentiles know better, because they were taught in accordance with the truth in Jesus. They were taught to put off their old selves, to take on new mental attitudes, and to put on a new self, created to be like god, in true righteousness and holiness. The way to do this is to stop lying and speak truthfully. (So far, so good.) They are to practice self control when angry. (Not bad.) They are to not go to bed angry because the devil will get a foothold. (Wackadoodle. The devil has feet?) They are to give up stealing(Good) and work with their own hands so they can share with those in need. (Admirable) So far, all these things are basic "do unto others" morality, which probably already existed in that society.

*Next they are told not to let unwholesome talk cone out of their mouths, but only that which is helpful for building other up, to their benefit. This seems to be a perfectly reasonable standard of conduct, if you are interested in the wellbeing of all humanity. After that, they are told not to "grieve the Holy Spirit with whom you are sealed for the day of redemption." What that actually means is a mystery. My study bible says this proves the holy spirit is a person, because only people can be grieved.  Finally, they are told to get rid of bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander, and malice. They are to be kind and compassionate. All these positive qualities are not exclusive to christianity. They also have not been  universally practiced by all christians everywhere. The internet alone is full of christians who daily prove they do not adhere to these principles.

*Very last they are told to forgive each other, just as in christ god forgave them. This is a sticky topic. Are there no limits to forgiveness? How is that accomplished in a practical sense? What does it mean to forgive a murderer or an abuser? Vile people can just claim god's forgiveness? What is the proof that they have actually been forgiven by a god? In my experience as a former christian, it means I have to be civil, accept the society of that person without public drama, and not carry on a personal feud or vendetta. I'm not so sure that is always the best course of action. Sometimes people need to be called out, avoided, or punished by humanity for their horrible deeds.

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