Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Colossians part 6

We are in chapter three, verse 9. Paul tells the Colossians not to lie to each other because they have taken off their old self and put on a new self. (More metaphors) I don't know if that is a convincing reason not to lie. Wouldn't it be more practical to lay out possible real life consequences of lying, such as destruction of trust?

In verse 11, Paul says, "Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all and is in all. This list shows the promotion of equality among cultures and races. It says Christ is in everyone! Was Paul a universalist? That's doubtful. I think he means Christ is in all believers, regardless of background. I did notice that does not say "no male, no female" in this passage. It is in Galatians 3:28 though.

Paul calls the believers "god's chosen people" (It's no longer just the Jews.) and tells them that means they must practice compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience." There is nothing wrong at all with those things, but are they practiced among all Christians today?

 The believers are also told to forgive each other as the lord forgave them. What did the lord forgive them of exactly? And should they forgive everything, even heinous or criminal acts? Forgiveness is a strange concept if you think about it. It is just a mental mindset borne out in actions. However, I can act like I've forgiven you without the mental mindset. I can also say I've forgiven you but not act like it. Our mental mindset does affect us physically. Forgiveness seems to hinge on putting the past behind you and resuming a relationship. One can put the past behind them, yet not resume a relationship. No one should be forced to be in the company of those they wish to avoid.

Next, the Colossians are told to put love above all other virtues. I don't know if that's actually possible. Christians like to say love is not a feeling but an action. I disagree. It carries a connotation of affection. I can do all kinds of things for people I don't feel affection for and without love. That does not negate the good consequences of my actions. Sympathy, empathy, and compassion, don't need love to provide a motivation to act. It could be that I just recognize our common humanity and want to ease a burden, because I can. To me love is something else. It is a deeper regard and higher favor for someone with whom we are connected in some way. I think it would be worse to live without compassion than without love. Paul says that all the previously mentioned virtues are bound together in love.  Do you agree?

Verse 15 tells the Colossians to let the peace of Christ rule in their hearts. What is the peace of Christ? Verse 16 tells them to let the word of Christ dwell in them richly. You know what's rich? Paul never says what the word of Christ is in this letter. Paul rarely talks about anything that Jesus was supposed to have said or taught. As far as I know, he never says,"Thus saith the lord." All the words in this letter are from Paul.

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